Context and issues
Heterogeneity (data types, origin, standards) &
Diversity of “objects” to be linked together1
Loss of information over time2
Computational reproducibility frequently refers to the ability to generate equivalent analytical outcomes from the same data set using the same code and software1.
[…] all raw data and metadata, code, programming scripts, and bespoke software necessary for fully replicating any analyses that lead to inferences made in a published study2.
“Research data are defined as factual records in the form of figures, texts, images and sounds which are used as the main sources for scientific research and which the scientific community generally recognizes as being necessary to validate research results”1.
“Metadata, which can be simply defined as “data about data,” is a way of naming things and representing data and their relationships […] Metadata is structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use or manage an information resource”2.
Data life cycle
FAIR Principles
Flux and stocks of data
A data paper is a scientific publication that precisely describes a data set, and informs the scientific community of its existence, its methods and its potential for reuse1
A scientific publication whose primary purpose is to describe a data set or group of data sets, rather than to report a research investigation.
data paper from Research Le Bras et al., 2017
data paper from Policies Lepareur et al., 2022
data paper from citizen sciences Coché et al., 2021
Adding statistical analyses or graphical representations is possible (and recommanded)
The Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) developed by the GBIF:
- is a free open-source software and used by organizations around the world to create and manage repositories for sharing biodiversity datasets.
- facilitates the filling of metadata and the automated production of a Data Paper manuscript.
back to the standardization
good Level of FAIRness
Pipeline to describe and to publish a data paper
Data Share
by the CEntre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (CESAB) - French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB).
The aim of this call is to accelerate the sharing of open-access and large scale ‘novel’ biodiversity related datasets.
For more information: Data Share
by the French Biodiversity data hub (PNBD - Data Terra) and the French nodal point of the GBIF
The aims are to increase the opening of research data around the use of the EML standard and its links with other data and metadata standards in ecology
For more information: OpenMetaPaper
Support and training by th best teams ever ;)
listing of journals accepting data paper on
Ecological journals with “ethical” aspects on Dafnee ISEM